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Now enrolling an exciting menu of offerings
in classroom for 2024-25

For more information and easy click-thru enrollment visit our webpage HERE

Celebrating the Year of the Artist

  • Sing a Story for grades TK-3

  • Opera Together for grades 3-8

  • Book to Bravo! & Voices for Social Justice for grades 3-12

  • Student Dress Rehearsals for grades 3-12

  • Songs of the Season for grades K-12

and a few highlights from last season...

Musical Brain Break

a 15 minute recess full of song, movement, and storytelling for grades Tk-3

Sing a Story

A 30 minute  interactive introduction to classic operas and their stories Tk-3

Opera à la Carte

A virtual production of Rossini's The Barber of Seville zooms into your classroom! for grades 4-12

Book to Bravo!    Voices for Social Justice

An online 12 week residency enabling students to create and perform their own original operas on literary or themes expressing their own world views.

©San Francisco Opera Guild 2021

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